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Our day will begin with 8:30am Mass (optional) and students may arrive at the Academy after Mass. On occasion, we will attend Mass as a school. Parents will always be informed of school Mass days.

Lower School Schedule

9:20am               A.M. Subjects

11:30pm             Lunch/Recess

12:00pm             P.M. Subjects

2:15pm               Dismissal

Middle School Schedule

9:15am               A.M. Assembly

9:20am               Class in Session

10:15am             Mathematics

11:05am             Class in Session

12:30pm             Lunch/Recess

1:00pm               Class in Session

2:15pm               Dismissal

High School Schedule

9:15am                          A.M. Assembly

9:20-10:10am               1st Period

10:15-11:05am             2nd Period

11:10-12:00pm             3rd Period

12:00-12:30pm             Lunch/Recess

12:30-1:20pm               4th Period

1:25-2:15pm                 5th Period

2:20-3:10pm                 6th Period

Arrival Procedures

Lower School

A parent must escort their Lower School child (grades K-4) to their classroom beginning after morning Mass, no earlier than 9:10am. Please make sure a teacher is present before leaving your child.

Middle School/High School

Middle and High School students (grades 5-12) may enter Father Ruehl Hall unescorted. Any Student with a cell phone MUST turn it over and check it in with the Check in Monitor.  No cell phones are allowed in the classrooms even in book bags unless there is a medical reason which has been cleared with the director. Middle School students (grades 5-8) should then report to their classes. High School students must immediately sign in at the check in desk if arriving at the beginning of the day or at the director's desk upon arrival.

Dismissal Procedures

Lower/Middle School

Lower/Middle School dismisses from Padre Pio Hall at 2:15pm. Be sure to arrive on time for dismissal. All children will be dismissed from the back door of Padre Pio Hall. No children may leave from the front door. Teachers will release each student to their designated parent or approved ride.

High School

High school students are dismissed after their last class. High school students should be picked up no more than 10 minutes after their last class outside of the church.

Dismissal Diagram for Grades K-8

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Approximately one half hour is allotted each day for lunch and recess. Students should come to school with a healthy lunch and drink. Students will not have use of kitchen facilities (microwave, refrigerator) so please keep this in mind when you are packing your child's lunch.

Students recess outside whenever possible and should dress according to the weather including warm jackets, gloves, and hats during the winter months. For safety reasons, shoes should be worn that are appropriate for play on a paved surface, and open-toed shoes and flip flops are not permitted. Teachers and parent volunteers always supervise students at recess. Students will recess indoors during inclement weather.

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